FANtastico Loyalty Discount
Our Advantage Program for both big and small lovers of GEOS
Have you already taken language courses with GEOS Languages PLUS and want to continue learning with us? Then we want to reward you for your loyalty to us! Because you have given something of great value to us: your trust.
We reward all our customers - find out more about our FANtastico advantage program for adult language courses and our FANtastico Junior advantage program for language courses for kids.
Our Advantage Program
To take advantage of our GEOS FANtastico discount, you must notify us in writing when and where you have already taken a language course with GEOS Languages PLUS - and you'll be awarded with your choice from the following:
- a FANtastico day excursion at the destination, or
- an immediate discount of 30,- €, or
- a coupon worth over 50,- €; so on your next trip with GEOS, you can save a total of 80, - €. As a FANtastico member, you'll receive the immediate discount of 30 € off all courses you take with us!
- all FANtastico members, who complete a language course this year, who are accompanied by a travel companion, will be alternatively awarded with an immediate discount of 50,- € off the language course price.
This advantage program may not be combined with any other special offers or discounts.