Special Programs

GEOS is dedicated to having great programs the help language learners reach their goals. Whether you are trying to enter college or university, improve your English for your job or prepare for a test, GEOS can help. Keep checking this space for more new programs!
Gain experience in Canada or the United States while taking part in the SC – Working Holiday Program. SC GEOS Languages Plus will prepare you for the necessary English training in order to be accepted into a Working Holiday Program.
The main purpose of the Working Holiday Program placement is a cultural exchange, giving the participant an opportunity to improve his or her language skills and stimulate you to work on your personal development, independence and confidence. The quality and level of the participant’s placement will depend on their education, area of placement, time of year and duration of the placement. Find out more about Working Holiday Program!

Why limit your language experience with GEOS to just one location? With our multi-destination package, you can study your language of choice in several different cities! Discover a country in depth while you learn and pick-up on different dialects, subtleties and accents!
All of our schools in North America, Europe and Malta hold themselves to the same high standard of language instruction and follow the same teaching methodology, thus guaranteeing your transition between locations is seamless and easy.

Gain experience in the Canadian education system studying with native English Speakers - in one of two fabulous cities - Toronto or Montreal!
SC Study Centers – will provide you with the necessary English training in order to be accepted into a local high school of your choice. You will then be eligible to apply to college or university as a Canadian High School Graduate! Read more...

English language learning has been a part of academic programs for a long time. Now, thousands of international students are coming to Canada and the USA to do all or some of their university program in English. In order to enter Universities or Colleges, students usually need a good IELTS or TOEFL® Test score. GEOS can help with that!
Our proven teaching methods will help you to advance to a level you need for your test. If you are planning to attend a North American college or university, you might enter without IELTS or TOEFL® examination through our Pathways Program.

GEOS Calgary is proud to be official TOEIC® Test Center in Calgary
TOEIC® test scores are used by over 10,000 companies, government agencies and English language learning programs in 120 countries.
The test measures the ability of non-native English-speaking people to use English in everyday work activities. The test was developed by ETS (Educational Testing Service) in the United States. There are an estimated 6 million test takers per year.