Proficient English Course Level (6)
Level 6 is designed to help Proficient English Course Level students fine-tune their advanced English language skills so students can speak, read, write, and listen with more sophistication and proficiency.
Integrated Skills Course
Proficient English Course Objectives:
- Independently obtain, provide, and exchange key information for important personal tasks in complex routine and some non-routine situations.
- Actively and effectively participate in 30-minute formal exchanges about complex and abstract information in order to analyze, problem-solve, and make decisions.
- Comprehend main points, details, speaker's purpose, and levels of formality and style when communicating in moderately demanding contexts of language use.
- Understand an expanded range of concrete, abstract, and conceptual language. Determine mood, feelings, and attitudes.
- Read authentic multipuporse texts: newspaper items, short stories, popular novels, routine business documents, and sections of textbooks.
- Read in English for ideas and opinions to find general information, specific details, and content areas.
- Sufficiently grasp the meaning of text to paraphrase or summarize key points.
- Write to offer and request information, clarification, and confirmation. Also write to express feelings, opinions, and ideas to mostly familiar readers.
- Demonstrate good control over common sentence patterns, coordination, spelling, and mechanics.
- Interact and communicate with other English speakers in a culturally appropriate manner.
Textbook: SUMMIT 2
Active Listening Course
Proficient English Course Objectives:
- Provide and exchange key information for complex routine and non-routine situations.
- Actively participate in short formal exchanges about complex, abstract, and conceptual information.
- Analyze, problem solve, and make decisions.
- Interact to coordinate tasks with others, to advise or persuade, or to reassure others in one-on-one situations.
- Follow a broad variety of general interest and some technical topics.
- Comprehend an expanded range of concrete, abstract, and conceptual language.
- Determine mood, attitudes, and feelings.
- Infer speaker's bias, purpose, and some other attitudinal and socio-cultural information.
- Understand and use sufficient vocabulary, idioms, and colloquial expressions to follow detailed stories of general popular interest.
Textbook: Real Talk 2